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Managing eZ publish Web Content Management Projects

Strategies, best practices, and techniques for implementing eZ publish open-source CMS projects to delight your clients – By Martin Bauer.

Ideal for project managers running eZ publish web content management projects, this book is an informative resource providing information on how to run your projects more efficiently. This is achieved by using a series of techniques and practices that you can use to help you manage your projects.


" A must to have book for web project managers and developers"

Lucian Savluc

" Wise man are rare, but they exist and one of them is happy to share his wisdom with all tense CMS consultants and project managers to help them relax."

Sandro Groganz

" Overall, I would rate this book very highly. It contains a copious amount of project management information and would be a good guide for any software PM."

Nick Ohrn

" If you are a project manager responsible for any eZ Publish projects in your organization you should definitely read through this book."

